00:49 Hey, good to see you.
00:49 Thanks for coming.
00:50 It’s another episode of wireframe.
00:52 And today we’re going to be talking about what’s next now, not necessarily
00:58 what’s next in design systems.
00:59 It’s actually kind of what’s next for me.
01:02 So as of this recording, this is the technically the 11th episode of
01:05 wireframe, but I’m numbering at the 10th because of the pilot episode.
01:09 So this is the 10th episode of wireframe.
01:11 I’ve been releasing a wireframe episode every week for the past almost
01:15 About two and a half months now, and that’s been a really nice cadence.
01:19 And it allows me to make an episode basically when I have some kind of
01:24 thought or something that I want to get off my chest or some kind
01:27 of topic that I want to talk about.
01:29 And.
01:30 One of the reasons why I started this again was to have any particular
01:34 topic that ends up on the internet or someone shares with me and immediately
01:38 able to talk about it, right?
01:41 So this has been a really good cadence and a really good
01:44 project for me to like, feel.
01:46 What it is to make these episodes out there just by myself and being
01:50 able to just turn on a camera and go that’s been really great.
01:53 And I’ve gotten a lot of quantity of episodes like this, right?
01:58 Because you have, like I said, we have the 10 episodes with the pilot and
02:02 that’s been a really nice, like exercise.
02:05 Okay.
02:06 But what I want to do now is reduce the quantity a little bit.
02:11 In favor of upping the, the quality.
02:14 Okay.
02:15 And the way that I’m going to do that is.
02:18 On wireframe.
02:20 fm by the time that you will be hearing this recording, there
02:23 will be a form on the homepage toward the bottom near the footer.
02:28 And if you want to be a guest on wireframe you could fill out that form.
02:33 I think it’s just name, email, and then there’ll be a box for
02:37 basically what your hot take is.
02:39 So that’s basically what I want to start kind of collecting ideas for what
02:44 To discuss on the show and then people that I’ll select from that list of
02:49 people who are submitting possibilities as show ideas, I’m going to reach out
02:54 to those folks to schedule some time to just kind of have a conversation.
02:59 And be on the podcast.
03:01 So, like I said, I think that cadence is gonna be a lot less
03:03 than what I’ve been doing now.
03:04 Because, obviously, if it’s just me, I could just hit record and go.
03:08 But, when it comes to scheduling the show with another individual it’s gonna be
03:13 a little bit more to coordinate, right?
03:15 Plus, I actually haven’t done any editing for You know, two different
03:19 people to get on the show as well.
03:20 So there’s going to be some learning curve that happens in there as well.
03:23 And I want to make sure I have enough time to make that happen.
03:26 So you can go to wireframe.
03:28 fm right now and fill out the form if you’re interested, other than that.
03:32 I definitely also have some people that I, I know that I want to
03:35 reach out to in terms of getting them on the podcast as well.
03:38 But I’m definitely looking for interesting takes that are out there
03:42 that I want to you know, kind of shine some light on publicly if you’re,
03:46 of course, comfortable with that.
03:48 And that’s a little bit news of wireframe.
03:52 So like, that’s the first thing that I kind of wanted to mention is that I’m
03:55 going to again, reduce the quantity and I’m going to up the quality.
03:58 Okay.
03:59 The next thing I want to talk about is that my wife and I are
04:02 going to be going to render.
04:04 Next week.
04:05 So basically when this podcast comes out in the first week or so of June
04:10 the following week will be render and render is in Atlanta, Georgia.
04:14 It’ll be my first time going there.
04:15 I have a few of my design system friends that I know are speaking there.
04:20 That includes Jina and Dan Mall and Homer Gaines.
04:23 So if you’re going to be at render listening to this now look out for
04:27 me and I know that the workshop that I actually selected was the
04:31 TypeScript workshop in the morning.
04:34 So if you’re going to be in that TypeScript workshop,
04:36 I’ll be in there as well.
04:37 It’s actually my first real.
04:40 Push to learn TypeScript cause I’ve been like seeing it in the wild and I’m still
04:45 a little bit, you know, Uncomfortable with the additional like syntax that’s
04:50 being put on top of my JavaScript But I also do know that there’s benefits
04:55 to the TypeScript kind of ecosystem.
04:57 So I’m interested in learning TypeScript workshop.
05:02 I believe that’s Wednesday morning I think that’s it.
05:05 But on top of that I’m definitely going to be trying to visit my
05:08 friends in design systems talks.
05:10 So all three of them there, thank goodness at different times,
05:12 which is going to be great.
05:13 And I think actually they’re all on the same day as well.
05:16 And then other than that, we’re going to be seeing the sights in Atlanta.
05:19 If you have any good recommendations tweet.
05:21 Over at me.
05:22 Let me know what’s going on there.
05:23 Apparently there’s some king of pop.
05:25 That’s all the rave down there that I think we’re going to be checking out.
05:28 So that’s pretty cool.
05:29 And then the other thing that I’ll mention in terms of conference related
05:32 stuff is later on this year There’s plans at least for me to go, maybe
05:38 potentially my wife, but I know that I’m going to be making my way to converge
05:42 in Brighton in the UK in October.
05:44 So I’m looking forward to that, to actually go to a conference on the other
05:48 side of the pond, because I actually, I’ve been to the other side of the pond with my
05:53 wife for the, like the first time, I think it was last year, the year before, which
05:56 was a fun trip, but now actually going for a conference is going to be really great.
06:00 Cause there’s a lot of design system people that I do
06:02 know that are in that area.
06:04 You know, other side of the world.
06:05 And I would love to meet all those folks that I’ve known on the internet.
06:09 And then the interesting thing about that is once that conference is
06:11 done, I’m back on a plane to go back home to New York where the following
06:15 week is smashing cough in New York.
06:18 So I didn’t realize how close those things were but it’ll look like
06:21 I’m following Nathan Curtis around.
06:23 But yeah, so I’ll be smashing conf in New York, it’s my favorite conference
06:27 that I’ve been going to for a really long time, just by the way that the, Format
06:32 is from the working doc that everybody’s in from the, like the mini challenges
06:36 that Vitaly describes the curated content and all that kind of stuff.
06:41 That’s really great.
06:42 And the team’s really great too, that I’ve spoken to over the years of trying to,
06:46 you know, kind of coordinate with them and yeah, so I highly recommend it if
06:49 you’re going to be in New York like the second week of October yeah, definitely.
06:53 Take a peek and see.
06:55 What smashing is all about.
06:56 I think it’s a really great conference.
06:57 All right.
06:58 So that’s kind of what’s next number two.
07:01 And then the final what’s next dovetails a little bit into another
07:04 reason why wireframe is, is kind of slowing down a little bit.
07:09 And it’s because I have another project and it’s funny.
07:12 Cause I wasn’t really planning on doing this up until maybe about a
07:17 month or so ago, I just kind of hit me that I was like, I need to do this.
07:23 Okay.
07:24 So I was seeing a lot of the responses about Mise en Mode out there from the
07:29 Clarity Talk that I did last November.
07:31 And there’s a lot of buzz that’s been going around out there.
07:34 There’s a lot of people reaching out to me for questions and
07:36 feedback and all sorts of stuff.
07:38 And I was in the middle of writing a blog post to kind of, like,
07:42 continue on the discussion from my perspective about all the stuff
07:46 that I’ve been kind of in my head.
07:49 Synthesizing, analyzing, penalizing, whatever, right?
07:54 And I’m writing this blog post and I’m seeing the read time increase up
07:58 to like 15 minutes on this blog post.
08:00 So immediately it’s like the largest blog post that I’ve ever written so far.
08:04 Sans any of the specialized ones.
08:06 And I’m looking at it and I’m like, I have so much more to say about this.
08:13 Right.
08:14 And that’s when I realized that was like, I think I need to write a book.
08:20 So that’s what I’m doing.
08:21 So the plan is right now is that I’m in the process right now of
08:26 writing a book on mise en mode.
08:28 And I really, Believe that it is a important new way of thinking
08:34 about the way that we execute design now in the 21st century I really
08:40 do truly believe that, that we need to be thinking differently.
08:43 I do a liken it to the paradigm shift that responsive design was for us.
08:48 I, I liken it to, the paradigm shift that design tokens was for us.
08:52 And I think it’s something that.
08:54 People need to know about in a in depth way that is not just, you
09:00 know, a 20 minute presentation of clarity for, limited audience that
09:04 is not just the site.
09:06 That is not just me retweeting people thinking about mise en mode.
09:11 So I’m writing the book.
09:14 At the moment right now, I think I’m about 11, 500 words in which
09:19 by my estimate is sitting around, 25 to 35 percent of the book.
09:26 And I have still lots more to write in terms of like timeline related stuff.
09:32 I’m hoping to have a first draft.
09:36 Somewhere around, let’s say maybe end of fall, early winter, unless
09:43 I’m very, very adamant about.
09:46 Getting this stuff done and making sure that I get all
09:49 the thoughts on paper quickly.
09:50 Typically when I sit down and write, I end up actually writing about
09:54 2000 words sitting down and writing.
09:56 And to do that, actually go and commute to the mall and sit in the
10:01 food court for three hours to do that.
10:05 That’s been my escape from my own home.
10:09 So so yeah, so that’s the, that’s what’s been going on right now in
10:12 terms of the book related stuff.
10:13 And there’s a couple of people that’ll be involved in that
10:16 in, in various different forms.
10:18 At the moment I’m just, again, trying to get that, that first draft put together
10:22 so that going on to the next step.
10:24 I plan to be self publishing in this way.
10:27 I really don’t want to be waiting around for some publisher unless some publisher
10:32 hears this and is like, Hey, let’s work together then I would consider it.
10:35 But for right now I’m basically focusing on the self publishing route
10:38 because I do want it to get out fast.
10:40 But there are going to be some checks and balances in there.
10:43 I’ll be looking into getting a proper editor to look over the stuff.
10:47 So that’s what’s happening in there.
10:50 And I’m very excited about it.
10:51 But it does also mean that some of the things that I wanted to do this year
10:55 are also taking a backseat because I can’t do all of these things.
10:58 So one of the things that I was talking about for the first half of this year
11:02 was a research study about component metrics that’s been shelved for the
11:08 moment for while I get this book out, because like I said, the book is kind of
11:11 more relevant to what’s going on today.
11:13 And I think component metrics we can.
11:16 Hold off on for a little while in terms of understanding that stuff, but there
11:21 was a little bit of work that was done in there So I’m like I said, it’s gonna
11:24 be shelved and I’m gonna probably return to it at some point after the book is
11:29 out so a lot of the effort is trying to get this book out because like I said, I
11:33 think it’s the most impactful work that I have done so far for the community.
11:41 From a research standpoint or a strategy standpoint, or just the
11:46 way of executing design standpoint.
11:48 So, anyway if you want to learn more about Mise en Mode, because
11:52 clearly I’m, I’m very passionate about it, you can go to mode.
11:54 place.
11:55 Mode.
11:55 place is the site that I presented at Clarity.
11:59 And you can, of course, ask me about whatever you like about You know, Mise
12:03 en mode, or even really about the book.
12:05 And I’m looking forward to to discussing about it and maybe get some new
12:09 ideas and new directions about it.
12:11 If, if something that’s interests you that would be really cool.
12:16 And I think that’s basically it for updates.
12:18 So.
12:19 Again, it’s going to be like another shorter version of wireframe.
12:22 I know last week’s was a short one too, but of course with the new guests that
12:27 will be going onto the show, I expect, at least a half hour conversation, if not
12:32 longer that will be really interesting.
12:35 I will hope.
12:36 So going all the way back to that, if you are interested, go ahead
12:39 and submit something on that form.
12:41 And I’m looking forward to talking with you about what you think
12:44 about design development and disambiguation in our digital world.
12:49 All right.
12:49 So until then, I’ll see you on the internet.
12:52 Later.